DOpus (13/96)

Date:3 May 2001 at 19:12:33
Subject:Re: [D5] ARexx query

On 1 May 01, at 2:30, Jonathan Hart wrote:

> >From what I've looked at with .dopus5 scripts the way is to use ||lf||, but
> I cannot for the life of me get this to work. Can anyone give me a working
> example- a few lines of code?

/* Example.rexx */

LF = '0a'x

SAY 'This is the first line...'¦LF¦'...and this is the second line.'
SAY ''
SAY 'As you can see, LF (which is a variable containing the character
SAY 'for the L ine F eed) must be outside of the string'

'dopus command beep' /* ;-) */


> Secondly- the Miami Arexx command GETCONNECTTIME gives back a number in
> seconds. Is there a way in basic ARexx to calculate the time in minutes and
> hours from this number, or for maths functions do I have to use an external
> library, like rexxmathlib? Hmm, must have a look at AA20 again... ;)

Yuk ! My favourite. I avoided such tasks until now by simply dropping any
time stuff from my scripts ;-) However, rmh.library by Alfonso Ranieri (it
is on Aminet) has some functions for dealing with timers (that is not the
same, but might also include time conversion).

Andreas Mixich <>

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